Monday, April 13, 2009

BD THESIS ABSTRACT | The Role and Responsibility of Parents in Teaching Christian Truth to Children at Home

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A thesis submitted to the Senate of Serampore College in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Divinity by Hangpi Manlun. Regd. No. 1877/1996, Eastern Theological College, Jorhat, Assam 1998

The role and responsibility of parents at home has become increasingly important for the good of the society today. Home is the most important single unit in the society. It is where learning begins and parents are the first teachers. The negligence parental role and responsibility to children at home resulted in the existence of certain social evils ranging from immorality to murder. In order to save the society from deterioration the institution of home must be given top priority above any other else.

This thesis is divided into five chapters. The First Chapter deals with Christian marriage and family with the assumption that these are fundamental to build a ‘good’ home today. The Second Chapter deals with the role and responsibility of parents to their children. Parents are to bring up their children base on the biblical principle.

The Third Chapter deals with the different stages of child development and needs. Understanding the process of child development and his/her needs in various aspects of life such as physical, mental, social and spiritual is essential for effective parenting of the children.

The Fourth Chapter is about the need of teaching Christian truth at home. Imparting Christian truth to children is a God-given responsibility to parents which no one can escape. This is needed for the welfare of the children as well as the society at large.

The Fifth and Last Chapter is an evaluation on a responsible parenthood. Parents are responsible to children morally, spiritually and also economically. Home is the fundamental training ground for children where parents carried out their God-given task or responsibility. The well being of the family, church and society is heavily depended on the sincerity and success of parents in carrying out their divinely ordained task and vice versa.

Thus, the importance of the role and responsibility of parents in teaching Christian truth at home is affirmed.



I praise God from the core of my heart for giving me this great privilege to attend Eastern Theological College and for His guidance and blessing during my years of study.

I would like to express my gratitude to Professor, Dr. Ezamo Murry, my supervisor, who has inspired and encouraged me to write this thesis. I value his help and suggestions in course of writing this thesis. It was a great privilege for me to work with him.

My years of study would have been impossible without the generous sponsorship granted by the Manipur Gam Presbytery, and my family member for their moral, prayer and financial support.

I am deeply grateful to the Eastern Theological College, Faculty and Staff for their valuable service and sincere commitment in teaching me in my B.D. course. And a very special word of gratitude goes to my friends who have been upholding me with their sincere prayers.





The problem in this thesis is the role and responsibility of parents in teaching of Christian truth at home to the children. This topic has not been studied in depth. Therefore, I will investigate/study this subject for my thesis.


Home is the most important single unit in a society. Moreover, home is the beginning of learning and parents are the first teachers. A child’s whole development is formed when they were still young. So parents should learn and know the different stages of child development and give adequate teaching at home.

Today due to negligence and limitation of knowledge many parents did not carry out their duties. So we are confronted with various social evils such as drug addiction, corruption, killing, and so on. These are occurring due to improper Christian teaching at home and lack of adequate teaching in Christian living. To have a good family, church, and society the writer suggests that the most important institution is Christian home and parents are the first teachers.

The writer has divided this study into five chapters. The first chapter deals with the Christian marriage and family. Under this chapter the writer briefly deals with the importance and meaning of Christian marriage and family. The second chapter deals with the role and responsibility of parents toward their children.

The third chapter deals with the different stages of child development and needs. Under this very chapter the writer briefly discusses the physical, mental, social and spiritual development of children from birth to the age of eleven. The fourth chapter deals with the needs for teaching Christian truth at home. However, due to limitation of space the writer will deal only the spiritual needs of the children. The fifth and the last chapter is an evaluation of the responsible parenthood and conclusion.


The purpose of writing this thesis is to build a good Christian home. In that very home parents should give appropriate teaching according to the needs of the child, so that we will have a good family, church, and society.


This study demands both theoretical and personal experience. In the theoretical part, the writer will be utilizing library resources like books, unpublished thesis, seminar papers, periodicals, daily newspaper, and magazines and so on. As the writer has written some books and articles regarding family issues and being a father of two kids, my personal experiences helped me in great manner in the writing of this thesis.


This research is confined to the role and responsibility of parents at home. The children groups are also from birth to 11 years only. This is so, because, these periods are the most important periods in personal growth and formation as well. This study is also limited to the Zou context particularly Manipur Gam Presbytery to treat the subject contextually.

Introduction | Chapter 01 | Chapter 02 | Chapter 03 | Chapter 04 | Chapter 05

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